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Ebook Gareth A. Jones - Springer Undergraduate Mathematics: Information and Coding Theory PDF, DJV


As this Preface is being written, the twentieth century is coming to an end. Historians may perhaps come to refer to it as the century of information, just as its predecessor is associated with the process of industrialisation. Successive technological developments such as the telephone, radio, television, computers and the Internet have had profound effects on the way we live. We can see pic tures of the surface of Mars or the early shape of the Universe. The contents of a whole shelf-load of library books can be compressed onto an almost weight less piece of plastic. Billions of people can watch the same football match, or can keep in instant touch with friends around the world without leaving home. In short, massive amounts of information can now be stored, transmitted and processed, with surprising speed, accuracy and economy. Of course, these developments do not happen without some theoretical ba sis, and as is so often the case, much of this is provided by mathematics. Many of the first mathematical advances in this area were made in the mid-twentieth century by engineers, often relying on intuition and experience rather than a deep theoretical knowledge to lead them to their discoveries. Soon the math ematicians, delighted to see new applications for their subject, joined in and developed the engineers' practical examples into wide-ranging theories, com plete with definitions, theorems and proofs.", This book provides an elementary introduction to Information Theory and Coding Theory - two related aspects of the problem of how to transmit information efficiently and accurately. The first part of the book focuses on Information Theory, covering uniquely decodable and instantaneous codes, Huffman coding, entropy, information channels, and Shannon's Fundamental Theorem. In the second part, on Coding Theory, linear algebra is used to construct examples of such codes, such as the Hamming, Hadamard, Golay and Reed-Muller codes.The book emphasises carefully explained proofs and worked examples; exercises (with solutions) are integrated into the text as part of the learning process. Only some basic probability theory and linear algebra, together with a little calculus (as covered in most first-year university syllabuses), is assumed, making it suitable for second- and third-year undergraduates in mathematics, electronics and computer science., This text is an elementary introduction to information and coding theory. The first part focuses on information theory, covering uniquely decodable and instantaneous codes, Huffman coding, entropy, information channels, and Shannon's Fundamental Theorem. In the second part, linear algebra is used to construct examples of such codes, such as the Hamming, Hadamard, Golay and Reed-Muller codes. Contains proofs, worked examples, and exercises., This text provides an elementary introduction to information theory and coding theory - two related aspects of the problem of how to transmit information efficiently and accurately. The first part of the book focuses on information theory, covering uniquely decodable and instantaneous codes, Huffman coding, entropy, information channels, and Shannon's Fundamental Theorem. In the second part, on Coding Theory, linear algebra is used to construct examples of such codes, such as the Hamming, Hadamard, Golay and Reed-Muller codes. The book emphasises carefully explained proofs and worked examples exercises are integrated into the text as part of the learning process. Only some basic probability theory and linear algebra, together with a little calculus (as covered in most first-year university syllabuses), is assumed, making it suitable for second and third-year undergraduates in mathematics, electronics and computer science.

Read online book Gareth A. Jones - Springer Undergraduate Mathematics: Information and Coding Theory DJV, DOC, TXT

Everything you need is provided.Provocative, authentic works of art create an abundance of opportunities for students to speak in the target language.; Student reflections ( Primeiros acordes ) that open each unit motivate students to interact in more meaningful ways with the language and culture.; Communicative and task-based exercises throughout the units guide students through a systematic review and extension of Portuguese grammar.; Accompanying website with video, audio, and accompanying workbook are integrated into the textbook., Mapeando a L�ngua Portuguesa atrav�s das Artes is an exciting new textbook for second-year Portuguese that uses the arts as a point of departure for student's cultural and linguistic development.Symplectic methods have even been applied back to mathematical physics.A companion website that provides access to dozens of downloadable pages for students, video interviews with children's authors, and student-friendly scoring guides.The modules are written by teams of master teachers and mathematicians.Moreover, because the conceptual foundation and history are presented alongside the empirical studies and validity argument, these sometimes disparate areas are presented in a way that demonstrates their connections an approach which represents a departure from, or extension of, conventional materials on test revision.With this revision, an expanded media program in MyMathLab, and a new workbook further build upon the tradition of motivating and supporting student learning.