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Worlds of the Ancient near East and Mediterranean: A History of Biblical Israel : The Fate of the Tribes and Kingdoms from Merenptah to Bar Kochba read DOC, TXT, FB2


There was probably only one past, but there are many different histories. As mental representations of narrow segments of the past, 'histories' reflect different cultural contexts and different historians, although 'history' is a scientific enterprise whenever it processes representative data using rational and controllable methods to work out hypotheses that can be falsified by empirical evidence. A History of Biblical Israel combines experience gained through decades of teaching biblical exegesis and courses on the history of ancient Israel, and of on-going involvement in biblical archaeology. 'Biblical Israel' is understood as a narrative produced primarily in the province of Yehud to forge the collective memory of the elite that operated the temple of Jerusalem under the auspices of the Achaemenid imperial apparatus. The notion of 'Biblical Israel' provides the necessary hindsight to narrate the fate of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah as the pre-history of 'Biblical Israel', since the archives of these kingdoms were only mined in the Persian era to produce the grand biblical narrative. The volume covers the history of 'Biblical Israel' through its fragmentation in the Hellenistic and Roman periods until 136 CE, when four Roman legions crushed the revolt of Simeon Bar-Kosiba.

Read book Philippe Guillaume - Worlds of the Ancient near East and Mediterranean: A History of Biblical Israel : The Fate of the Tribes and Kingdoms from Merenptah to Bar Kochba FB2, PDF

As he changes from an assimilated Jewish teenager in Tarsus to a competitive Pharisee inJerusalem and then to a driven missionary of Christ, the sometimes contradictory components of Paul's complex personality emerge from the way he interacts with people and problems.Before Alexander underwent his journey, he could not reconcile his knowledge of neuroscience with any belief in heaven, God, or the soul.This new series includes his visionary teachings on the Great Perfection (Dzogchen), the pinnacle of practice in Tibet's oldest Buddhist school.Her affairs with three remarkably talented and very married men associated with the film industry could have easily outraged fans and quashed her career.Also included is his infamous entry into Iran s Holocaust cartoon contest, Silver Linings of the Holocaust.Devil drives!" So Richard Francis Burton, preparing for an exploration of the lower Congo in 1863, wrote to Monckton Milnes from the African kingdom of Dahomey.Over 550 in-text definitions of proper nouns for people and place names.Bringing together biblical scholars, liturgists, and practical theologians, this book begins to provide bridges between the Biblical and contemporary worlds in order to enrich our ability to respond appropriately to personal and communal tragedy and to understand those responses.Furthermore, augmenting Brown's commentary on the New Testament itself are topics such as the Gospels' relationship to one another; the form and function of ancient letters; Paul's thought and life, along with his motivation, legacy, and theology; a reflection on the historical Jesus; and a survey of relevant Jewish and Christian writings.This volume focuses very specifically on Sennacherib's invasion of Judah in 701 BCE.