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Read online - Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Chronic Illness (2007, Paperback) TXT, FB2


Children and young people suffering from long-term conditions require continuing support and nursing care throughout their lives. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Chronic Illness explores chronic disease management in the context of recent developments, including the National Service Framework for Children. It addresses the aetiology of chronic illness and the impact on the child's family. It also explores holistic approaches to caring for their social, physical and psychological needs, and highlights the importance of the nurse's role in promoting children and their parents as ?expert patients'. Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Chronic Illness is a comprehensive, up-to-date resource for nursing students and practitioners on the context, theory and practice of assessing health needs, and the delivery of holistic care and services within a variety of care settings, to enable them to meet the changing needs of children and young people with chronic illnesses and diseases, and their families. The first nursing-specific text related to the care of children & young people with chronic illness Incorporates case studies & scenarios throughout to enable readers to gain an understanding of the application of concepts & theories in practice Covers care aspects of the child and young person in different settings including tertiary, secondary, primary health care and the home Written in the context of the NSF for Children, Shows the Christian message within The Chronicles of Narnia(r) To coincide with the release of Prince Caspian, this book helps kids ages 7-11, understand the symbolism of the Christian faith written by C.S. Lewis in the Chronicles of Narnia series. Christian concepts are simply explained, along with excerpts from the Narnia books. Each section of the book explains the characters, events, places, and themes and gives insight in the spiritual parallels. Kids, parents, teachers and ministers will all find this to be a great tool for use in preparing to see the movie.

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Jointly with Konrad Lorenz, he laid the foundation for a new science, the biological study of animal behaviour.Throughout the book, the user-friendly, interactive statistical software package JMP is used for calculations, the computation of probabilities and the creation of figures.Explore the environment through imaginative sculptures, models and detective work.Chapters by international authorities have been specially commissioned on the use of visual evidence from painting to political prints, photographs, documentary, feature films, television, news and advertising., Using Visual Evidence is a book about visual literacy.As such, the book is ideal reading for researchers, postgraduates and undergraduates of social psychology, sociology, philosophy and politics., Shortlisted for the British Psychological Society Book Award (Academic Monograph category) 2014!Packed full of story ideas, resource suggestions and practical activities, the book explores the various ways professionals can help young children to develop the six key elements of story, these being character, setting, plot, conflict, resolution and ending.This book pulls together the latest research on influence and social behavior to describe how people are connected, and how ideas and brand messages spread through social networks.Raising three young children with husband Danny, Aimée traded her tongs and chef whites for a laptop and camera, married her two passions - mothering and cooking - and has since been creating recipes with an emphasis on whole foods for the family table, sharing stories and tips and inspiring readers to make the family-food connection on the Simple Bites blog.